Supported contact
We are using the National Association of Child Contact Centres (NACCC) secure online self-referral system for all referrals.
Important Information:
Before starting the process you should let the person that the child or children live with know that you are going to make an online application for supported contact as they will also need to register with us too and complete an online application within 28 days. If they do not complete within this time you will have to pay again. So it is worth informing them first.
Although the non-resident family member will be able to select a list of preferred centres, the person with whom the child/children live will be given the final choice of which child contact centre to use. This is usually near to where the child or children live.
You will complete the application form online, so set some time aside to do this.
Depending where you are going to make the application, you may prefer some privacy if it is in a public location.
The assessors at NACCC may still need to speak to you before your application can be referred to a centre.
When the application has been completed by both parents/carers it will be forwarded to a NACCC accredited centre.
If your application is referred to the Parenting Apart Centre East we will contact you to arrange a pre-visit, take payment and book the sessions.
There may be a waiting list so please do feel free to enquire of our next possible start date for contact.
Referrals are made by each of the parents – starting with the non-resident parent.
To apply for referral and further information – go to
Click on the “How it Works” page to get full details.
Follow the advice given to register and fill in your form.
What to do next? – Non-Resident parent
After your payment is accepted you will get a reference code. This code always starts with CR followed by 3 groups of 4 characters separated by –
It’s most important to pass this exact code on to the other parent as soon as you can. Until then they can’t log on and complete their part of the application. If you cannot communicate directly – or via a solicitor – with your ex-partner, then please contact us at Parenting Apart Centre East for help.
Information for the Resident Parent
You cannot fill in your application form until the other parent has passed on to you the full reference code.
Use this code to register online at
There is guidance via the “How it Works” button, and the same advice given for the non-resident parent applies to you, except you don’t have to make a payment.