Supervised contact
Supervised contact is the supervision of a child by a specialist worker whilst the child is having contact with a non-resident family member. This can be court ordered whilst a safeguarding assessment is being completed and may be part of
the assessment.
The supervision supports the physical safety and emotional well-being of the child, whilst assisting the parents or other family members in building and sustaining positive relationships with the child. It is also integral to re-establishing a relationship where there has been a long time between contact and especially where the child is resistant and very anxious about contact.
We work in a sensitive manner recognising that all parties will have concerns about the process and attending a centre, which is why we have mandatory preparation sessions prior to any contact sessions so that children and family members become familiar with the environment and their allocated worker. The worker will be observing the relationship between the child and their parent/carers and making notes which will become a summary or comprehensive report.
The purpose-built centre has enhanced accreditation from the National Association of Child Contact Centres. We have two entrances, so that parents/carers do not need to meet. The allocated worker will remain with the child throughout the time they are away from the main carer. The sessions will be at the child’s pace and the worker will initiate a review of the length of the session or the arrangements if this best meets the child’s needs prior to the recommended review time.