How we work
We provide a child friendly, welcoming and stimulating environment. We foster a neutral environment of trust and safety where children are able to relax and spend time re-connecting with a parent or other family members without the burden
and distraction of family conflict.
The child is at the centre of our ethos and we work in a sensitive manner at the child’s pace. Once the referral has been risk assessed as appropriate for contact a primary Family Practitioner will be allocated. This Family Practitioner will support the child and their individual needs throughout the process. A preparation session will be arranged prior to the first contact, unless this has been specified as not required by a professional. Preparation sessions are for the child to meet their Family Practitioner, for the practitioner to understand, (age appropriately), the child’s feelings and expectations towards the contact and talk about ways to support them, to discover what they would like to play with or do in the session and for them to familiarise themselves with the venue they are attending. After each session feedback will be given to both parents/carers, if required through an observational report and ongoing communication via phone or email. If a Family Practitioner has concerns about a child’s welfare or they are deemed to be at risk of harm, the Family Practitioner or Manager will intervene to safeguard the child and the risk assessment will be reviewed which may lead to contact stopping. We also may be required to report
our concerns to Children’s Advice and Duty Service.